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Native America Calling: An apology, a long time coming
Friday, October 25, 2024

An apology, a long time coming
President Joe Biden is taking the historic step to formally apologize for the federal government’s role in the failed Indian boarding school era.

The first-of-its-kind acknowledgement comes after Department of the Interior Secretary Deb Haaland released the final report from a three-year investigation that included formal listening sessions from boarding school survivors and their relatives. The report documented at least 18,000 Native children who were sent to distant live-in schools where they were forced to abandon their languages and cultures.

Native youth were subjected to extensive physical and sexual abuse. Nearly 1,000 children died while attending the institutions far from their families.

Join Native America Calling to hear from Secretary Haaland and others who have been working on building the infrastructure of healing from the Boarding School Era.

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Native America Calling
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