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Indigenous Peoples Day graphic by Navajo Nation Office of the President and Vice President
Indigenous Peoples Day message from Navajo Nation
Monday, October 12, 2020
Source: Navajo Nation Office of the President and Vice President

On behalf of the Navajo Nation Office of the President and Vice President, we wish all of our Diné people and our brothers and sisters around the world a joyful and happy Indigenous Peoples Day!

On this day, we honor and recognize the strength, resilience, and perseverance of our elders, ancestors, and all Indigenous people throughout the world who continue to fight for equality, justice, and a better future for our children and all tribal nations.

As the first people of this country, our ancestors persevered and overcame starvation, diseases, removal from our homelands, and many other violent and devastating atrocities that must be recognized and acknowledged by all people and governments in this country and throughout the world. We thank the local, state, and other leaders who have taken steps to right the wrongs of the past by first acknowledging the wrongdoings against Indigenous peoples.

Today, we continue to face adversities, setbacks, and inequality, but we remain strong and resilient through the practice of the teachings of our elders. T’áá hwó’ajít’éego, or self-reliance or self-determination, is an important teaching that we must continue to practice. Through the practice of the teachings of our elders and with our prayers, we will continue to prosper and move our nations forward.

The COVID-19 pandemic is once again testing the will of our Indigenous people, but our Diné people have demonstrated that we are able to fight this modern-day monster and reduce the spread of this virus. Our Nation has lost many people to this disease, but we also have many who have overcome and returned home to their loved ones.

On Indigenous Peoples Day, we come together as Indigenous brothers and sisters to honor and respect the sacrifices of our ancestors, and to support one another in our pursuit of equality and justice, and to give thanks to our Creator for all of the blessings bestowed upon us. Please reflect on this day, and continue to move forward with the strength, resilience, and perseverance that is within each of us to this day. Ahe’hee’