Cherokee Nation Council Legislator Cara Cowan Watts
Cara Cowan Watts, a council member for the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma, offers a Thanksgiving message:
Although many people still have antiquated and inaccurate images of the American Thanksgiving with pilgrims and Natives gathered around a large dinner table, I know it is a traditional time of thanks for many of our Tribal Nations. Thanksgiving is truly an American holiday given to us by the First Nations and not pilgrims. Rather than reflect on the genocide, slavery, theft and other atrocities actually associated with the historical events of the 1600s, my family and I set aside time for each other and give thanks for the past year as we plan for the next. With the Cherokee Nation more than 300,000 Tribal citizens strong across the world and more than 8,000 government and business employees combined, we should have high employment, self-sufficient families and increased home ownership. In other words, the Cherokee Nation, our partners, neighbors and families are blessed and should have much to be thankful for in 2014.Get the Story:
Cara Cowan Watts: Cherokee Chat: Thanks in Cherokee (The Native American Times 11/25)
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