North Olympic Peninsula tribal leaders attend Obama's bill-signing in D.C. (The Peninsula Daily News 3/8)
Sen. Murray honored for work on violence measure (The Peninsula Daily News 3/8)
Violence Against Women Act reauthorization hailed in Indian Country (Minnesota Public Radio 3/7)
Obama enacts domestic abuse law (Gannett News 3/7)
President Obama Signs VAWA (Fronteras 3/7)
President Obama signs Violence Against Women Act (CBS News 3/7)
Obama signs revised Violence Against Women Act, aid for vulnerable Alaskans (The Alaska Dispatch 3/7)
Obama signs Violence Against Women Act into law (The Seattle Post-Intelligencer 3/7)
Obama Signs Expanded Anti-Violence Law (The New York Times 3/7)
Obama signs bill that gives tribes authority over non-Indians in domestic violence cases (AP 3/7) An Opinion:
Thanh Tan: What the Violence Against Women Act means for Washington (The Seattle Times 3/8) Relevant Links:
Video of Signing Ceremony | Transcript of Remarks by President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden
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Senate keeps tribal jurisdiction provisions in VAWA measure (2/12)
Senate set for vote on VAWA with tribal jurisdiction provisions (2/11)
Editorial: Reauthorize VAWA with tribal jurisdiction provisions (2/11)
Column: Failing to respond to violence against Native women (2/11)
Senate rejects alternative to VAWA without tribal jurisdiction (2/8)
Senate set to vote on VAWA with tribal jurisdiction provision (2/7)
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