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Nez Perce Tribe makes second attempt to stop megaload truck

Nineteen members of the Nez Perce Tribe of Idaho, including Chairman Silas Whitman and other leaders, were arrested on Tuesday as they attempted to block a megaload shipment for a second time.

About 100 people, mostly tribal members, started the protest when the truck arrived Monday night. The crowd was unable to stop the shipment, which is traveling along a highway that runs nearly the entire width of the reservation.

Still, tribal members were at it again on Tuesday night. This time, the protest drew more than 250 people, who attempted to stop the truck from making its run through the reservation.

“I don't look at this as a symbolic issue. Otherwise, we'd just issue a press statement, put up a few signs and just let it go," Whitman told KLCC. "No - We've run out of time and initiatives. So that leaves us with disobedience, civil disobedience.”

Tribal police ended up arresting Whitman and other tribal leaders. They were released on bail as the truck continued through Idaho, on its way to Montana.

“I would state to the delegation, or anybody else who has an authority that should have listened, that they should listen now,” council member Anthony Johnson told The Spokesman Review. Johnson was not among those arrested, according to news reports.

The truck is carrying a 225-foot-long water purification unit. The equipment is headed to the tar sands oil development area in Alberta, Canada.

A second truck is expected.

Get the Story:
Photos: Nez Perce Tribe protests megaload oil refinery shipment (AP 8/6)
Nez Perce Attempt To Halt Oil Sands Shipment Through Reservation (KLCC 8/6)
Megaload continues slow crawl, despite protests and arrests (The Lewiston Tribune 8/7)
Tribal leaders assert their protest is about 'solidarity' (The Lewiston Tribune 8/7)
Tribal leaders arrested after refusing to back down (The Lewiston Tribune 8/7)
Protesters slow, but don’t stop, megaload truck through Nez Perce lands (The Spokesman Review 8/7)
Tribal activists block Idaho highway over tar sands 'megaload' (Reuters 8/7)

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