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Nez Perce Tribe opposes megaload shipments on highways

The Nez Perce Tribe of Idaho is calling on the U.S. Forest Service to stop the shipment of large equipment through Idaho and Montana.

A company called Omega Morgan could start moving a pair of 225-foot-long water purification units tonight, The Lewiston Tribune reported. The trucks will pass through the reservation and through off-reservation treaty areas.

"The Forest Service must not tolerate Omega Morgan's open defiance of its authority and instead should aggressively assert, in court if necessary, the agency's decision so that the Nez Perce Tribe's unique Treaty-based interests and U.S. public's interest in the national forest and Wild and Scenic River Corridor are fully protected," Chairman Silas Whitman said in a statement, the Tribune reported.

The equipment is headed for the tar sands oil development area in Alberta, Canada.

Get the Story:
Nez Perce tribe opposes megaloads (AP / The Lewiston Tribune 8/5)
Nez Perce Tribe urges Forest Service to stop megaloads (The Lewiston Tribune 8/5)
Idaho grants permit for megaload, which will move through Montana (AP 8/5)

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