Blog: Another huckster stealing work of a real Native artist

"I am quite upset to learn that a fellow going by the name Grey Owl (and I kid thee not, the irony of course being quite rich) is stealing the work of the phenomenal Métis artist, Christi Belcourt. His real name is actually Jack Walter Lamb, a gun-loving Tea Party supporter who also also loves floral beadwork and lives in Las Vegas. He’s had her stuff up for sale since March of this year.

On his “Ojibwae Crafts” website (no longer available now that bandwidth has been exceeded, thank you folks!) this fraud had the nerve to claim:

We are Native American Craftsmen of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe. We provide Certificates of Authenticity with tribal ID numbers, spiritual guidance and meanings with each of our pieces.

Hmm. What Certificates of Authenticity, spiritual guidance and meanings can you provide for these pieces you have stolen from Christi Belcourt’s webpage?"

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Ripping off native artists: it’s the new black! (âpihtawikosisân 12/8)

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