A simple statement from the two co-chairs of the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction. “After months of hard work and intense deliberations, we have come to the conclusion today that it will not be possible to make any bipartisan agreement available to the public before the committee’s deadline.” And, they continued, “despite our inability to bridge the committee’s significant differences, we end this process united in our belief that the nation's fiscal crisis must be addressed and that we cannot leave it for the next generation to solve. We remain hopeful that Congress can build on this committee’s work and can find a way to tackle this issue in a way that works for the American people and our economy.” But let’s be clear about this statement, the committee, and Congress itself. This represents a failure to govern. There is a structural inability to make difficult choices about what the country needs to do to finance its operations. The so-called supercommittee is no different than the country and its citizenry. We are divided, locked into a struggle with significant differences about what to do next. Some of us believe that we should balance two competing ideas: We should invest in jobs. Now. Again. And keep doing that until everyone who wants a jobs has access to one. Then, and only then, the government should begin a long-term strategy of rethinking promises made through entitlement programs. The other view says cut government now. Shrink government, period. Don’t raise a single dime in new taxes -- and let the economy grow again (after it crashes). Now we will read over the coming weeks and months about the tragedy of automatic budget cuts as the real numbers surface. Some will complain about how much smaller our military must become. Others will note the deep unfairness in cutting domestic programs that serve people who are at the lowest end of the economic spectrum. The president has already promised to veto any bills that try to get around the automatic budget cuts. But the real problem, the much bigger issue, is that this exercise represents a failure to govern. Congress could not reach a decision last summer, so it passed on extraordinary powers to the so-called supercommittee. Before that the administration passed on its authority to a bipartisan committee charged with coming up with a financial plan. So failure becomes the norm in our political discourse, we are defined by our inability to forge consensus. I live in rural Idaho and listen to local talk radio. The people who call the station cannot understand, let alone appreciate, any differences about how other citizens approach these difficult fiscal issues. It’s the same in the Blue Cities, only opposite. That divide makes it nearly impossible to acknowledge areas of common ground. This is not new in our history. Divides this great were present before the election of 1812 (some call the second revolution) before the civil war and before Prohibition was incorporated into the Constitution. Take health care. If we really want to fix the deficit in a way that will last, we need to reduce the cost of health care. We cannot afford to spend $7,538 per person when the rest of the industrial world spends under $4,000. Or, looking at it another way, we cannot compete in a world economy where we spend16 percent of our Gross Domestic Product on health care when France pays 11.2 percent or Japan 8 percent. We need to make health care sustainable. That’s how we fix our budget. If we do this one thing, our budget problems will shrink into a manageable form. But we cannot even agree on the baby step we took last year with the Affordable Care Act. Perhaps that should be the only issue we debate during the 2012 election because it’s the only way to really get the cost of government under control Mark Trahant is a writer, speaker and Twitter poet. He is a member of the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes and lives in Fort Hall, Idaho. Trahant’s new book, “The Last Great Battle of the Indian Wars,” is the story of Sen. Henry Jackson and Forrest Gerard. More from Mark Trahant:
Mark Trahant: Congress faces deadlines on big budget cuts (11/14)
Mark Trahant: Because even imperfect elections still matter (11/7)
Mark Trahant: Tribes deal with another brutal federal policy (11/1)
Mark Trahant: Separate and unequal care in Indian Country (10/24)
Mark Trahant: Budget cuts repeating tragic history for tribes (10/17)
Mark Trahant: Earmarks find their way into the federal budget (10/10)
Mark Trahant: A journey through an era of budget contraction (9/26)
Mark Trahant: A new era of contraction coming to Indian Country (9/19)
Mark Trahant: Obama faces tough sell on American Jobs Act (9/12)
Mark Trahant: Cutting federal budget will cost human services (8/29)
Mark Trahant: Real cuts to BIA's budget are taking shape in DC (8/22)
Mark Trahant: Country heads in different directions on big issues (8/15)
Mark Trahant: Politicians begin the march of folly with budgets (8/8)
Mark Trahant: Now let the real debate begin on federal spending (8/1)
Mark Trahant: Dental aide program is about self-determination (7/25)
Mark Trahant: Some summer reading about federal Indian policies (7/18)
Mark Trahant: Country's problems can't be solved with a tweet (7/11)
Mark Trahant: Tribes and counties better off working together (6/27)
Mark Trahant: It's time for tribes and states to work together (6/21)
Mark Trahant: More than 10 million US jobs lost in last decade (6/14)
Mark Trahant: Indian Country stuck in permanent recession (6/6)
Mark Trahant: 2012 elections important for Indian Country (5/23)
Mark Trahant: Republicans divided over Medicare reforms (5/16)
Mark Trahant: Tribes should prepare for the worst on budgets (5/9)
Mark Trahant: Debt limit debate matters to Indian Country (5/2)
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Mark Trahant: Some tall tales about taxes in United States (4/18)
Mark Trahant: Bringing stories of abuse in Alaska in the light (4/12)
Mark Trahant: GOP proposal for Medicaid affects Indian Country (4/4)
Mark Trahant: Termination returns in the health reform debate (3/28)
Mark Trahant: Investing in young people before we all go broke (3/22)
Mark Trahant: Tragedy in Japan puts Yucca Mountain in scrutiny (3/14)
Mark Trahant: Policy will costs thousands of Indian Country jobs (3/7)
Mark Trahant: Tribes tested by budget cuts to Indian programs (2/28)
Mark Trahant: Tribes need a Plan B in case of federal shutdown (2/22)
Mark Trahant: Budget for Indian programs mostly a lost cause (2/15)
Mark Trahant: The Indian Health Service and state budget shortage (2/7)
Mark Trahant: Protecting the budget for Indian Country programs (1/31)
Mark Trahant: The sky doesn't have to fall on Indian health budget (1/24)
Mark Trahant: Real fight over health care reform all about funding (1/17)
Mark Trahant: Finding a way to a more civil discourse in America (1/10)
Mark Trahant: Indian health care a GOP target in the new Congress (1/3)
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