U.S. judge says he may shut Duroville down (The Los Angeles Times 1/15)
Judge issues ultimatum to 'Duroville' (The Palm Springs Desert Sun 1/15)
Duroville Decision Postponed Until Jan. 28 (KESQ 1/14) Relevant Links:
Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians - http://www.torresmartinez.org Related Stories:
Woman on trial for arson at reservation trailer park (1/9)
Judge visits troubled Torres Martinez trailer park (12/21)
Judge to visit troubled Torres Martinez trailer park (12/11)
Troubled trailer park owner wants to be left alone (11/12)
Reservation trailer park is overcrowded (10/22)
BIA sues owner of troubled mobile home park (10/10)
Trailer parks on reservation riddled with problems (10/5)
BIA seeks closure of troubled mobile home park (09/18)
Owner of troubled mobile home park sues BIA (09/07)
Trailer parks on reservation being inspected (08/14)
BIA moving to shut down mobile home park (08/09)
BIA headed to court over mobile home park (8/7)
BIA admits liability for troubled mobile home park (8/3)
BIA threatens action against mobile home park (8/1)
Torres Martinez Reservation littered with dumps (6/4)
BIA threatens to close reservation trailer park (05/16)
Dump on Torres Martinez Reservation fined $46M (03/23)
EPA goes after dumps on Torres Martinez land (3/21)
Another fire burns at Torres Martinez dump (11/28)
Board allocates funds for Torres Martinez dump (11/16)
Torres Martinez Reservation dump on Superfund list (10/20)
Underground fire on Torres Martinez Reservation (09/14)
Judge closes dump on Torres Martinez Reservation (08/09)
Editorial: Little help for tribes with illegal dumps (12/19)
Illegal dumping a big problem on reservation (12/13)
Fire burns for a week on Torres Martinez Reservation (04/11)
California tribe to use EPA grant to monitor water (02/02)
Calif. tribe gives members bottled water (02/11)
Church ordered to remove tent from reservation (10/05)
Judge asked to shut down reservation dump site (7/24)
Feds seek to close reservation mobile home park (07/11)
Waste dump on reservation told to stop burning (05/08)