Judge to visit troubled Torres Martinez trailer park

A federal judge will visit a troubled mobile home park on the Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Reservation in California, after ruling that the owner must comply with federal laws.

Judge Stephen G. Larson said he was worried about living conditions at the Desert Mobile Home Park, also known as Durovile. He plans to visit the 40-acre facility on December 20 and hold a hearing there.

Meanwhile, Larson gave owner Harvey Duro, a tribal council member, 30 days to obtain leases for businesses on the property and 60 days to obtain leases for the 300-plus mobile homes. Duro says he will abide by California's building code, his lawyer said in court.

Get the Story:
Judge to tour mobile home park after demanding law compliance (The Palm Springs Desert Sun 12/11)
Judge to visit controversial mobile home park (The Los Angeles Times 12/11)