Lance Jones, a member of the Confederated Umatilla Tribes of Oregon, has been battling cancer for four years with the support of his wife and family.
Jones, 40, was diagnosed with acute myelogenous leukemia in 2003. He underwent chemotherapy and his cancer went into remission.
But in July 2005, two days before the birth of his third child, the cancer came back. That's when his wife, Mary Lee, a member of the Yakama Nation, organized bone marrow drives in hopes of finding a match for her husband.
The drive registered over 400 people but no one was a complete match. His brother came close, so they went ahead with a transplant, which put Jones back into remission once again.
The cancer, however, came back this past January. Doctors aren't sure he will recover but the family remains hopefully he will again pull through.
Get the Story:
Man faces cancer with tenacity, faith
(The East Oregonian 3/15)
Relevant Links:
National Marrow Donor Program -
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