Omaha Tribe knew of toddler's injuries, attorney says

The Omaha Tribe of Nebraska knew of injuries suffered by a toddler in a foster home where he eventually died, a county attorney said.

The tribe placed 20-month-old Nathaniel Saunsoci in the care of Carlos and Tisha Vega, according to KTIV News. The Vegas, who are Oglala Sioux, lived in South Sioux City.

Dakota County Attorney Ed Matney said Saunsoci suffered a dog bite and a broken leg while in the care of the family. He said the Omaha Tribe's Child Protective Agency knew about the injuries but didn't see a need to remove Nathan from the home.

Nathan died September 24 after sustaining more injuries. Autopsy reports show head trauma, a broken collarbone, several fractures in his upper body, scrapes and bruises.

Matney is asking the public for more information about Nathan's history. The Vegas have moved back to the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota and Tisha Vega's children have been taken into custody of the state of Nebraska.

Get the Story:
New Details In Toddler's Death (KTIV 12/13)
Officials call for info on child's death (The Sioux City Journal 12/13)

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