Victory for Fort Mojave sacred site in California

The Fort Mojave Tribe shed tears of joy on Thursday as Pacific Gas & Electric Co. apologized for destroying a sacred site in California and agreed to remove a treatment plant.

PG&E built the $15 million plant on top of the Topock Maze, a series of rock formations and lines that is considered the portal into heaven. The company destroyed much of the 50-acre site on the Colorado River near the California-Arizona border..

The tribe filed a lawsuit in California in June 2005. The case was settled with an agreement to remove the plant, clean up the site and deed the Topock Maze to the tribe.

The Fort Mojave Indian Tribe is located in Arizona and California.

Get the Story:
Historic apology over sacred site (The Los Angeles Times 11/10)

Relevant Links:
Fort Mojave Indian Tribe - http://www.fortmojave.com
Pacific Gas & Electric - http://www.pge.com

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