Lakota candidate accused of smearing Rep. Herseth

The re-election campaign of Rep. Stephanie Herseth (D-South Dakota) is accusing challenger Bruce Whalen, a Republican from the Pine Ridge Reservation, of spreading unfounded rumors about her personal life.

The allegations arose after an entry on Wikipedia, the Internet encyclopedia, alleged that Herseth was pregnant and engaged to her chief of staff. It also stated she had changed her views on abortion.

Whalen then confronted Herseth about the alleged information during a powwow at Pine Ridge. "Well, is it true, in reference to that you are now pro-life?" Whalen reportedly asked. "I cannot believe that you asked me that," Herseth responded, her campaign said.

Whalen asked again and Herseth said there was no truth to the rumors. She also refused to debate Whalen at the powwow. Her campaign said she remains pro-choice.

Get the Story:
Rumor battle continues (The Rapid City Journal 8/9)

Relevant Links:
Bruce Whalen for Congress - http://www.brucewhalen.org
Stephanie Herseth for Congress - http://www.hersethforcongress.org
South Dakota Republican Party - http://www.southdakotagop.com

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