Mike Graham: Ann Coulter, GOPs against Indians

Mike Graham is a member of the Cherokee Nation and is the founder of United Native America (http://www.unitednativeamerica.com).

"The Republican party is scraping the bottom of the whiskey barrel when they let Ann Coulter and others like her to go on television news shows discussing issues that affect our life. "Media Matters For America group" has set up a petition on their web site calling on major television networks to stop given a platform to conservative hate merchants like Ann Coulter.

Right winger Ann Coulter in an attempt to trash Colorado Professor Ward Churchill went on to make it a point to trash the American Indian community. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! Fox News makes it a point to have Ann Coulter on most of their programs talking about national and world issues, after hearing Ann Coulter talk, one would have to think television is where she comes up with all her worldly knowledge.

Ann Coulters' press release "The Little Injun That Could" stated that "Churchill should pack up his teepee and hit the trail of tears." Ann Coulter's statement clearly dehumanizes the loss of lives of over five thousand Indian men, women and children! The trail of tears is just one of many hundreds of 9-11's Indians had to endure because of U.S. terrorist Policy's against their race.

Ann Coulter in her report "Not Crazy Horse Just Crazy" attacked Ward Churchill over his comments of comparing Indian reservations to the equivalent of Nazi concentration camps. Ann Coulter fired back at him by stating "I forgot Auschwitz had a casino." This statement by Ann Coulter goes to the heart of the Republican party's stand against Indians economic well being. Republican party members across our country use every tactic at their disposal to hinder or stop legislation that would bring economic relief to the Indian community. Ann Coulter is obviously uneducated and oblivious to the true documented history covering the American Indian holocaust."

Get the Story:
Mike Graham: Republican party scraping bottom of whiskey barrel with Ann Coulter (The American Chronicle 7/20)

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