Federal Recognition
Bill introduced to recognize Little Shell Tribe

Rep. Denny Rehberg (R-Montana) introduced a bill on Thursday to recognize the Little Shell Chippewa Tribe of Montana.

The tribe petitioned for recognition through the Bureau of Indian Affairs. The Clinton administrative issued a decision in favor of the tribe back in May 2000.

Rehberg said it's time for the tribe's recognition to be finalized. He said the Interior Department is moving too slow.

The tribe has the support of the other federally recognized tribes in Montana, local governments and the state. Sen. Max Baucus (D-Montana) and Sen. Conrad Burns (R-Montana) also support the tribe.

Get the Story:
Rehberg introduces legislation to recognize Little Shell Tribe (The Great Falls Tribune 7/14)
Rehberg introduces bill to give Little Shell federal recognition (AP 7/13)

Relevant Links:
Little Shell Tribe - http://www.littleshelltribe.com

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