Senate committee approves Trail of Tears legislation

The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee approved S.1970, a bill to expand the Trail of Tears National Historic Trail.

Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Oklahoma) introduced the bill in November. It requires the Interior Department to update an existing study to determine whether additional sites should be added to the historic trail.

The measure was approve yesterday after amendments were made. The amendments require Congressional approval of new sites and management changes.

The Cherokee Nation supports the bill.

Get the Story:
Trail of Tears plan advances (Stephens Washington Bureau 3/9)

Get the Bill:
Trail of Tears National Historic Trail Study (S.1970)

Related Bill:
Trail of Tears Documentation Act (H.R.3085)

Relevant Links:
National Trail of Tears Association - http://www.nationaltota.org
Trail of Tears, links and info - http://www.rosecity.net/tears

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