Pumpkins grown on the Navajo Nation have found their way to the Washington, D.C., area, where a church uses them to raise money for charities and other causes. A for-profit company called Pumpkin Patch Fundraisers leases 2,000 acres in New Mexico from Navajo Agricultural Products Industry, the Navajo Nation's agribusiness. The company and the tribe have been working together for 15 years. Pumpkin Patch in turn works with the Immanuel Church-on-the-Hill in Alexandria, Virginia. The church's annual pumpkin sale raises more than $75,000, about half of which goes to charitable organizations. Get the Story:
Pumpkins Aplenty at Church-on-the-Hill (The Washington Post 10/26)
pwpwd $ad1 Relevant Links:
Navajo Pride, Navajo Agricultural Products Industry - http://www.navajopride.com Related Stories:
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