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California woman fine with digging up graves

A California woman designated as a "most-likely descendant" says she doesn't know much about her heritage and wasn't raised with "myths" about burial sites.

Ramona Garibay says she is affiliated with the Ohlone, Miwok and Patwin tribes. That's good enough for the state's Native American Heritage Commission to call on her when burial sites are uncovered.

Garibay went to Brentwood, where a reported 500 ancestors were found at a housing development. "I thought it was very interesting because I knew nothing about my ancestors," she told The Contra Costa Times. "I just go out there and make sure the burials are respected."

Garibay said it's "sad" to see the remains disturbed "but yet it's kind of exciting because I'm learning a lot of stuff." "I'm all for the history. I wasn't brought up with the myths about burial sites like other Native Americans," she told the paper.

The remains halted work at the site but the paper says it can't find anyone who knows where they have been moved. No one will say who is studying them either.

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Ancient remains a can of worms (The Contra Costa Times 10/18)

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