Indianz.Com Listening Lounge House Resources Committee hearing on S.1003, the Navajo-Hopi Land Settlement Amendments of 2005, June 21, 2006. Introduction - 7:55 - 1.8MB Panel I Testimony - 5:26 - 1.2MB | Q&A - 30:21 - 7.0MB William Pat Ragsdale Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs Mr. Christopher J. Bavasi Executive Director, Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation Panel II Testimony - 17:26 - 4.0MB | Q&A - 20:27 - 4.7MB Mr. Ivan Sidney Chairman Hopi Tribe Mr. Joe Shirley President Navajo Nation Mr. Roman Bitsuie Executive Director Navajo-Hopi Land Commission Office |
Move from land tough on Navajos (The Arizona Republic 7/7)
Steps to a relocation (The Arizona Republic 7/7) Senate Bill:
Navajo-Hopi Land Settlement Amendments of 2005 (S.1003) Relevant Documents:
Hearing Before the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs on S. 1003, Navajo-Hopi Land Settlement Amendments of 2005 (July 20, 2005) Relevant Links:
Hopi Tribe -
Navajo Nation -
Black Mesa Indigenous Support, Navajo family support site - Related Stories:
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