Panel IThe hearing start at 11am. It should be available online at Get the Bill:
William Pat Ragsdale
Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs Mr. Christopher J. Bavasi
Executive Director, Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation Panel II
Mr. Ivan Sidney
Hopi Tribe Mr. Joe Shirley
Navajo Nation Mr. Roman Bitsuie
Executive Director
Navajo-Hopi Land Commission Office
Navajo-Hopi Land Settlement Amendments of 2005 (S.1003) Relevant Documents:
Hearing Before the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs on S. 1003, Navajo-Hopi Land Settlement Amendments of 2005 (July 20, 2005) Relevant Links:
Hopi Tribe -
Navajo Nation -
Black Mesa Indigenous Support, Navajo family support site - Related Stories:
Navajo woman refuses to leave home on Hopi land (02/06)
McCain prods tribes, government on tribal land dispute (07/22)
Senate hearing on Navajo-Hopi land settlement bill (7/21)
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