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George Joe: Oprah Winfrey tapes at Navajo Nation

Oprah Winfrey taped a show today in Window Rock, Arizona, the capitol of the Navajo Nation.

George Joe, the publisher of Rez Biz Magazine, reports on Winfrey's visit. He said she met with Navajo Nation President Joe Shirley and other tribal leaders before attending an open-air market.

Joe was the first to report that the Oprah show was coming to the reservation. But her production company later denied it when asked by the mainstream media.

"Many people said Oprah's people didn't want a huge public event. In fact, they almost canceled the entire visit after they learned that a flyer had been distributed last week," Joe writes on his blog.

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Over 300 witness Oprah Winfrey's visit to the Navajo Nation (George Joe/Rez Biz 5/31)

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