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DC Native Network to meet again for lunch this week

The DC Native Network will hold its second lunch meeting this Wednesday on Capitol Hill.

The first DC2N meeting was held on February 22. Suzan Shown Harjo, the president of the Morning Star Institute, said she organized the group in response to the Jack Abramoff scandal.

"Tribes are spending millions of dollars that our people don't have on lobbyists," Harjo said. She said more Native people should be working in Washington.

About a dozen people, ranging from government employees to Native students, attended the first meeting. They talked about a variety of issues, including the representation of Natives in the media and discrimination. With no set agenda, participants are free to discuss any subject or concerns.

Tomorrow's meeting will held in Room 300, on the third floor of the United Methodist Building on 100 Maryland Ave NE. The building is located next to the U.S. Supreme Court and across the street from the U.S. Capitol.

The meeting starts around 12pm. Participants are invited to bring their own lunch.

Relevant Links:
American Indian Society -
United Methodist General Board of Church and Society -

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'Native Network' lunches planned in Washington (2/20)