Scanlon not on Abramoff's golf trip to Scotland

Ex-public relations consultant Michael Scanlon didn't go on a golf outing to Scotland with disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff and Rep. Bob Ney (R-Ohio), the Congressman's office said.

Scanlon was working with Abramoff at the time of the August 2002 trip. They had persuaded Ney to sponsor a rider that would help one of their tribal clients.

Ney later said he was "duped" by Abramoff. But he went on the trip to Scotland with Abramoff, Christian activist Ralph Reed, three former aides and a government employee.

Get the Story:
Ney's office reveals who went on trip to Scotland (The Canton Repository 8/13)

Relevant Links:
Rep. Bob Ney - http://ney.house.gov

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