Aide says Matthews pushed to face Pombo (San Joaquin News Service 6/9) Relevant Links:
Rep. Richard Pombo - http://www.house.gov/pombo
House Resources Committee - http://resourcescommittee.house.gov Related Stories:
Pombo brings off-reservation hearing to California (6/7)
Pombo continues hearings on off-reservation gaming (05/02)
Pombo collected $40K from tribes so far this year (04/25)
Pombo asked again to investigate Abramoff (04/15)
House committee takes up off-reservation gaming (03/18)
Off-reservation gaming hearing set by Pombo (3/15)
Congress steps into off-reservation casino fight (3/14)
Pombo circulates draft of off-reservation bill (3/11)
Pombo took on controversial topics in 108th Congress (12/16)