No wild horse sanctuary for Crow Reservation

A proposal to create a wild horse sanctuary on the Crow Reservation in Montana fell through on Wednesday.

Merle Edsall had signed a letter of intent with the Crow Tribe to locate more than 4,000 wild horses on the reservation. But it required federal funds for the first year of operation.

Under a Congressional rider, the Bureau of Land Management is authorized to sell some wild horses and burros. Last week, the agency announced the sale of more than 500 horses to two tribes.

Get the Story:
Deal for horse sanctuary falls through (The Billings Gazette 4/1)

Relevant Links:
Wild Horse Program - http://www.blm.gov/nhp/spotlight/whb_authority

Related Stories:
Wild horse sanctuary proposed on Crow Reservation (3/23)
BLM sells more than 500 wild horses to two tribes (3/22)