Editorial: Reject Myers for appeals court on merits

"President Bush's regrettable move to renominate the most controversial of his judicial nominees means the Senate soon will have to deal with several troubling cases. The first three appeals court candidates examined by the Senate Judiciary Committee this year all present serious, though very different, concerns.

One, William G. Myers for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit, should be voted down on the merits.

After he became the Interior Department's chief lawyer in 2001, he embraced a series of indefensible legal positions that put the government behind the industries he previously represented. In one instance, he helped clear the way for a mining company to damage land sacred to an Indian tribe; in another, he got the Justice Department to file a brief on behalf of a kitty litter company that wanted to avoid local regulation of a processing plant. Nothing in Mr. Myers's career offers hope that he would become a dispassionate legal analyst on the bench."

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Editorial: Three Nominees (The Washignton Post 3/17)

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Inspector General Letter | NCAI Resolution | Environmental Group's Letter | Holland & Hart Biography

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