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University of Utah latest to appeal NCAA policy

The University of Utah "Utes" asked the NCAA on Wednesday for an exemption to the policy on Indian mascots.

The school said it has a long relationship with the Northern Ute Tribe. The tribe supports the use of the nickname.

Since the NCAA banned the use of Indian imagery during post-season tournaments, four schools have appealed. The Florida State University "Seminoles" already won an exemption due to the support of the Seminole Tribe.

Get the Story:
U. officially files appeal on Utes nickname (The Deseret Morning News 9/1)
Utah submits NCAA appeal (The Salt Lake Tribune 9/1)

NCAA Announcement:
NCAA Executive Committee Issues Guidelines for Use of Native American Mascots at Championship Events (August 5, 2005)

Relevant Links:
University of Utah -
Utah Utes -
NCAA Minority Opportunities and Interests Committee -

National Coalition on Racism in Sports and Media -

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