Specter backed as chairman of Judiciary panel

Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pennsylvania) was backed as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday after he drafted a statement promising to use a "litmus test" to block anti-abortion court nominees.

Republicans still need to vote on his position in January. But Sen. Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah), the committee's outgoing chairman, called it a "done deal."

Specter, who is pro-choice, drew fire from conservatives after suggesting anti-abortion nominees would have a tough confirmation fight. He later said he was referring to opposition such a candidate would face from Democrats.

In the statement, Specter promised to hold speedy hearings and votes on President Bush's nominees.

Get the Story:
Judiciary Panel Backs Specter (The Washington Post 11/19)
Judiciary Panel Backing Specter as Its Chairman (The New York Times 11/19)

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