Judicial nominations already a hot issue in Senate

The already hairy judicial nomination process has heated up again over remarks by Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pennsylvania), who is in line to head the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Observers say Specter may have hurt his chances of chairing the committee by suggesting that anti-abortion nominees will be rejected. Conservative Christians flooded the Senate last week with calls criticizing the pro-choice Republican.

Specter has tried to quell the fire, saying he was only noting that anti-abortion nominees are likely to face a filibuster. Senate Democrats, although they are still in the minority, have the power to derail nominees on the floor.

Incoming senator John Thune, Republican of South Dakota, said "there will be some questions" over Specter's remarks by candidates like him. Thune made a campaign issue out of Sen. Tom Daschle (D) and his opposition to President Bush's court nominees.

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Furor Continues Over Specter Comments on Nominees (The Washington Post 11/8)

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