Opinion: Alaska Natives too dependent on system

"In the midst of my own reflection, I realized that much of what is wrong with tribal governments and Native corporations is that they have provided too many opportunities for us to become dependent. This isn't so much a financial dependence as it is a misplaced trust in the knowledge and wisdom of those in positions of power and authority.

Why is it that the majority of us are so blind to the truth of what could be if we imagined our world more personally and profoundly? Largely, because the tribe and the corporation are fictions, artificial means to an ambiguous and poorly conceived end. They do not do what Native people most need done. Their leadership meets regularly at great cost to examine the bottom line and measure their progress against ill-considered goals and comforting, measurable objectives. But missing from these analyses and subsequent plans is any serious thought about the lives of the people."

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Ted Wright: We need to get educated, seize the day before it's too late (The Juneau Empire 10/31)

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