Alaska governor fighting tribe's banishment order
Monday, November 3, 2003

Alaska Gov. Frank Murkowski (R) is fighting a tribe's decision to banish one of its members, The Anchorage Daily News reports.

The tribal council in Perryville, a small and remote Alutiiq village, gave John Tague a one-way ticket to Anchorage and told him not to return. Village leaders said he was hurting other residents.

The tribe got a state judge to enforce the order. With the nearest state law enforcement unit 200 miles away, tribal leaders see the issue as one of public safety.

But the Murkowski administration is directing state troopers to ignore the state court order. The attorney general's office says the state shouldn't be required to carry out tribal mandates.

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Trouble in Perryville (The Anchorage Daily News 11/2)

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