Rural economic development tops AFN agenda

The Alaska Federation of Natives holds its annual conference in Anchorage this week with a focus on creating jobs in rural villages.

"Strengthening our Economies" is this year's theme. Panels and speakers will focus on creating sustainable communities. Karti Sandilya, recently retired North American director of the Asian Development Bank, will be the keynote speaker on Thursday.

Politics will be high on the agenda as well with election day looming. Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), who is running her first election after being appointed to her seat, will speak to the conference and so will her rival, Democrat Tony Knowles, a former governor.

Tribal sovereignty will be discussed with the first meeting of the new Alaska Rural Justice and Law Enforcement Commission on Wednesday. Native leaders say their rights are under attack as the state and some in the federal government seek to limit their authority.

The conference starts Thursday and runs through Saturday. The Elders and Youth Conference starts today and runs through Wednesday.

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AFN event focuses on village jobs (The Anchorage Daily News 10/24)

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