Series: Another Flathead youth falls to alcohol

The latest article in The Missoulian's series on "Lost Boys of The Flathead" recounts the most recent death of a teen due to alcohol.

Two months after 11-year-old boys were found dead in a field, police responded to another call on the night of May 1. It was 15-year-old Joey DuMontier. He was dead and had a blood alcohol level of 0.394.

DuMontier had been left at a home with some older men. They told conflicting stories of what happened that weekend but police eventually discovered that they had bought DuMontier a fifth of whiskey. He paid for it with $20 in money he earned from lawn mowing.

One man, Richard Lopez, 21, has since been charged with child endangerment. The person who actually bought the alcohol is out of state and police are evaluating their options for possible charges.

Get the Story:
Eight weeks after alcohol-related deaths of two 11-year-olds, 15-year-old came to his end (The Missoulian 7/23)

Relevant Links:
Lost Boys of The Flathead -

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