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Controversial professor removed from post

A Fort Lewis College professor who angered Native students by publishing their confidential remarks in an academic journal is being removed from his post.

Andrew Gulliford will step down as director of the Center of Southwest Studies on April 1, 2005. He will take a non-instructional position as a fundraiser for the college.

Gulliford violated federal privacy laws by using the names of Native students, their classwork and other information without their consent in a journal article. Students said they were stereotyped in the article.

Native Americans make up about 18 to 20 percent of the Fort Lewis College student population,

Get the Story:
Fort Lewis College professor transferred (Indian Country Today 12/20)
Fort Lewis Professor To Step Down After Writings About American Indian Students (AP 12/16)

Relevant Links:
Center of Southwest Studies, Fort Lewis College -
American Studies International -

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