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AP Questionnaire: The candidates on Indian issues

The Associated Press asked the Democratic presidential candidates their views on American Indians. "What kind of plan do you have for improving the lives of American Indians?"

A summary of the responses follows:
Wesley Clark ( Would improve access to education and health care.

John Edwards (,: Would work to ensure that tribal governments have access to capital and expertise to build and expand small businesses.

John Kerry ( Would expand health care for Indian seniors and provide preventative health care to Indian Country. Would improve roads and housing and increase funding for school construction.

Howard Dean ( Build partnerships among federal agencies to improve housing, water, sewer and utilities; support and fully fund the continuation of the Indian Head Start programs; reform and strengthen the Bureau of Indian Affairs; and rectify the mismanagement of Indian trust funds.

Dennis Kucinich ( Would increase funding for health care, housing, environmental protection and education.

Al Sharpton ( Not addressed.

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