Read More on the Story
Casino gets its official name
(The Shelby Star August 28, 2020)SC indian nation casino opposed by Buncombe; Cherokee say $750M at stake (The Asheville Citizen-Times August 19, 2020)
Leaders break ground on new casino in Kings Mountain (WBTV July 22, 2020)
An Opinion
State Sen. Jim Davis and Rep. Joe Sam Queen:
Why the Kings Mountain casino is a bad deal for WNC and North Carolina
(The Asheville Citizen-Times August 8, 2020)
Relevant Documents
Withdrawal of Solicitor's Opinion M-37029. "The Meaning of 'Under Federal Jurisdiction' for Purposes of the Indian Reorganization Act" Determining Eligibility for Land-into-Trust in Section 19 of the Indian Reorganization Act
Procedure for Determining Eligibility for Land-Into-Trust under the First Definition of "lndian" in Section l9 of the Indian Reorganization Act
Determining Eligibility for Land-Into-Trust under the First Definition of "lndian" in Section 19 of the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 [PDF 14.6MB]
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