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Bill would authorize sports betting at casinos, online keno at lottery locations
(The New London Day January 7, 2019)Annual reports: Casino revenues dipped in fiscal ’18 (The New London Day January 6, 2019)
Legislators continue to debate gaming-related issues (The New London Day January 5, 2018)
Zinke denies report that he lied to Interior investigators (The Associated Press January 4, 2018)
Justice Dept. investigating whether Zinke lied to inspector general (The Washington Post January 3, 2018)
Grijalva calls for Zinke testimony amid allegations of lying to investigators (POLITICO January 3, 2018)
Another slide in casinos' year-over-year slots revenues (The New London Day December 14, 2018)
Foxwoods' slot revenue down five consecutive months (Hartford Business December 14, 2018)
Lawmakers will make new push to complete East Windsor casino (The Hartford Courant December 12, 2018)
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