The tribe was hoping to see some movement this year though it's anyone's guess whether that will happen. "We hope it would progress but we have to focus on our work at home as (the plan) moves around," Cleveland said, The News reported. "We don't view it as a delay. It's a slow moving process." The tribe is pursuing the project under the two-part determination provisions of the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act, a process that is is very time-consuming. It took the Spokane Tribe, the most recent to complete a two-part determination, about a decade to secure approval for a casino that finally opened in Washington earlier this year. The process is also very political. Assuming the BIA approves, the Ho-Chunk Nation still has to secure a concurrence from the state governor, something that's only happened in Wisconsin once, way back in 1990. More recently, the Menominee Nation tried to open an off-reservation casino through the two-part determination process. Gov. Scott Walker, a Republican who is running for re-election, rejected that project back in 2015. Tony Evers, the superintendent of the state's public school system who is considered the leading Democrat in an upcoming primary, has said he will approve the Ho-Chunk casino if it crosses his desk. Finally, assuming the BIA and the state governor agree, the tribe still has to secure approval of the land-into-trust application for the project site. Beloit is located in the southern part of Wisconsin, along the border with Illinois. It falls within the Congressional district of Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin), who is retiring from the House. Read More on the Story:
Tribe remains optimistic on casino (The Beloit Daily News April 24, 2018)
Beloit and Rockford race for casinos in their cities (MyStateline.Com April 23, 2018) Federal Register Notice:
Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Ho-Chunk Nation Beloit Casino Project, City of Beloit, Rock County, WI (November 26, 2012)
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