The text of both measures closely tracks the language of the Gun Lake Trust Land Reaffirmation Act, a 2014 law which was the subject of a closely-watched case that was just decided by the U.S. Supreme Court. In Patchak v. Zinke, six justices said Congress can protect tribal homelands from litigation. “All tribes need a land base as a homeland for their people," Jefferson Keel, the president of the National Congress of American Indians, commented after the landmark ruling. In the case of the Mashpee Wampanoag, the tribe is seeking to restore its homelands in southeastern Massachusetts. But opponents in the city of Taunton, where a casino resort is being planned, have filed a lawsuit that has placed a cloud on the land-into-trust application there. Should S.2628 or H.R.5244 become law, the litigation -- or any others like it -- "shall be promptly dismissed." Hearings have yet to be scheduled on S.2628 or H.R.5244. But the latter has seen more support since its introduction on March 9 by Rep. William Keating (D-Massachusetts). At the time, the bill counted one Republican and five Democrats as co-sponsors, in addition to Keating. Four more Republicans and two more Democrats have signed on in the last two weeks. The additions to H.R.5244 and the introduction of S.2628 mean all but one member of the Congressional delegation from Massachusetts is backing the tribe. The pending lawsuit, known as Littlefield v. Department of the Interior, is based on a different Supreme Court decision. In Carcieri v. Salazar, the justices held that the Bureau of Indian Affairs can place land in trust only for those tribes that were "under federal jurisdiction" in 1934. The Mashpees didn't gain federal recognition until 2007 so opponents believe the tribe doesn't qualify. The judge handling the case already ordered the BIA to consider that issue but a firm analysis has yet to materialize amid threats of rejection and numerous delays. Regardless of the way the case turns out, Patchak confirmed that Congress can protect tribal homelands from litigation. As a result, least three land-into-trust affirmation measures have cleared the House in recent months, with H.R.5244 and S.2628 being the latest to join the queue. Despite the seemingly settled nature of the issue, the Littlefield plaintiffs have told the Massachusetts media that they will take the case all the way to the Supreme Court if Congress takes action. U.S. Supreme Court Decision in Patchak v. Zinke:
Syllabus | Judgment [Thomas] | Concurrence [Breyer] | Concurrence [Ginsburg] | Concurrence [Sotomayor] | Dissent [Roberts] | Full Document: Patchak v. Zinke More U.S. Supreme Court Documents:
Oral Argument Transcript | Docket Sheet No. 16-498 | Questions Presented
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