The Tulalip Tribes own and operate the Quil Ceda Creek Casino in Tulalip, Washington. Photo: Quil Ceda Creek Casino

Tulalip Tribes break ground on $140 million replacement casino after adding hotel to project

The Tulalip Tribes broke ground on a $140 million replacement casino in Washington last week.

The Quil Ceda Creek Casino will feature 110,000 square-feet of gaming space, a 1,200-stall parking garage and new dining and bar options, according to news reports. There's also a 140-room hotel, a recent addition to the project.

"It’s so exciting we’re finally doing this groundbreaking, and to think what it means for the tribe and our community, creating new jobs and helping with economic development," Vice Chairwoman Teri Gobin said at the December 12 ceremony, The Tulalip News reported. "This will be a good project for our whole community and the surrounding communities that benefit from our type of development.”

Tulalip TV / Tulalip News on Facebook: Quil Ceda Creek Casino Groundbreaking

The replacement facility is going up across the street from the current Quil Ceda Creek. It's due to open in the spring of 2019, according to news reports.

The tribe also operates the Tulalip Resort Casino, its flagship facility. The new Quil Ceda Creek will remain smaller in size.

Read More on the Story:
Tulalips break ground on new casino (The Marysville Globe December 15, 2017)
Tulalip holds groundbreaking for QCC replacement (The Tualip News December 13, 2017)
Tulalips break ground on new Quil Ceda Creek Casino Hotel (The Everett Herald December 13, 2017)
Tulalip Tribes to Open New Quil Ceda Creek Casino Hotel in 2019 (Casino Games Pro December 13, 2017)
Arrival of brand new Quil Ceda Creek Casino Hotel announced (The Everett Post December 12, 2017)

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