The Mohegan Tribe parted ways with its top gaming executive last week and accused him of failing to disclose a potential conflict of interest. According to a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, former president and CEO Bobby Soper, who is a tribal citizen, holds a 5 percent equity interest in ReferLocal, a marketing firm that had a contract with the Mohegan Sun Pocono, a commercial facility in Pennsylvania. He didn't report the relationship to the management board, the Mohegan Tribal Gaming Authority said. But Soper, who ran the Pocono facility before being promoted, denied hiding anything. He told The Hazleton Standard-Speaker that he informed his former supervisor about his stake in the firm. Mohegan Sun Pocono ended its relationship with ReferLocal in January, according to the SEC filing. The two had been in business since 2011. Read More on the Story:
CEO’s exit unrelated to Mohegan Sun woes (The Hazleton Standard-Speaker 2/21) An Opinion:
David Collins: When the Mohegans duck and cover (The New London Day 2/18)
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