Artist's rendering of the Wilton Rancheria's resort project in Elk Grove, Caifornia. Image by Wilton Rancheria Someone really wants to stop the Wilton Rancheria from opening a casino in northern California but no one knows for sure who is behind the shady effort. The tribe has gained local support for a $400 million resort in Elk Grove. But a mysterious group is collecting signatures in hopes of putting a land agreement for the project on an upcoming ballot. "I really wish I knew to say who's in charge, but I'm not too sure who's in charge," a man who was collecting signatures told KCRA. Over the summer, a group called Protect Elk Grove launched a website, distributed fliers and placed automated phone calls to local residents in hopes of stirring up opposition to the casino. Local media tried to determine who was financing the effort but didn't get any clear answers. The tribe is planning a casino, hotel and other development on about 36 acres in Elk Grove. The Bureau of Indian Affairs is reviewing the land-into-trust application for the site. If the project is approved, the casino would be the closest tribal facility to Sacramento, the state capital. The tribe was restored to federal recognition in 2009. Read More on the Story:
Anti-casino petition circulating in Elk Grove (The Elk Grove Citizen 11/18)
Who's paying for petition against Elk Grove casino? (KCRA 11/17)
Signature Drive Fighting $400 Million Elk Grove Casino Deal (CBS13 11/14)
Petitions and lawsuits – Elk Grove casino, mall plan under fire (The Sacramento Bee 11/14)
Anti-Casino Foes Gather Signatures in Hopes of Halting Proposed Elk Grove, Wilton Rancheria Casino (The Elk Grove News 11/13)
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