Brenda Meade: Coquille Tribe remains patient in quest for casino

The Coquille Tribe owns and operates The Mill Casino in North Bay, Oregon. The tribe is seeking federal approval to open The Cedars at Bear Creek, a Class II facility, in Medford. Photo from Facebook

Brenda Meade, the chairwoman of the Coquille Tribe, responds to "misleading" criticism about plans for The Cedars at Bear Creek, a Class II gaming facility in Medford, Oregon:
Jackson County residents ask a lot of questions about the Coquille Indian Tribe’s proposed casino, The Cedars at Bear Creek.

Or, more accurately, they ask the same question, over and over:

“When are you guys going to open?”

The question tells us two things. One, people are eager for a high-quality gaming venue in Medford. And two, they’re unimpressed by the constant rehash of misleading, self-serving objections from our project’s critics.

The latest blast was a Sunday, Aug. 28, guest commentary in the Mail Tribune. The author claimed to have “no dog in this fight,” but he referred to a single information source — a website maintained by the Seven Feathers Casino in Canyonville. Those folks do have a dog in the fight.

Read More on the Story:
Brenda Meade: Objections to Medford casino not based in fact (The Medford Mail Tribune 9/4)

Federal Register Notice:
Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Coquille Indian Tribe Fee-to-Trust and Casino Project, City of Medford, Jackson County, Oregon (January 15, 2015)

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