An undated artist's rendering of a proposed Class II gaming facility in DeKalb County, Illinois. Image from Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation
The Bureau of Indian Affairs will host a public meeting this month to discuss the Illinois casino proposed by the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation of Kansas. The tribe filed a land-into-trust application for the 129-acre site November 2014, The DeKalb Daily Chronicle reported. The BIA is preparing an environmental impact statement as part of the process. “In November 2014, we submitted a land-into-trust application with the Department of Interior to move our project forward so that we, along with the neighboring local governments, can benefit from our long-standing plans,” the tribe said in a statement to The Chronicle. The tribe hopes to build a Class II facility on the site, which is located within a reservation that was promised to Chief Shab-eh-nay and his band by treaty in 1829.
The tribe contends the land has never been disturbed by Congress and a top former Interior Department official once described the tribe's claim as "credible" after Republican lawmakers introduced legislation to extinguish all Indian title in the state.
The meeting takes place at 6:30pm on January 26 in the Jenkins Auditorium at the Kishwaukee College Conference Center in Malta. Written comments can be submitted until February 22. Get the Story:Feds seek opinions on Shabbona bingo plan (The DeKalb Daily Chronicle 1/12) Federal Register Notice:
Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation's Proposed Trust Acquisition and Gaming Facility Project, DeKalb County, Illinois (January 6, 2016)
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