Comanche Nation closed casino for one day to address flooding (May 28, 2015)
Chairman Wallace Coffey declared an emergency in response to record-setting rain and dangerous flooding conditions.
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Connecticut tribes counting up votes on bill for one more casino (May 28, 2015)
The legislative session ends on June 3 so time is running out on the bill that tribes say will protect jobs and the economy.
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Poarch Creeks file lawsuit over taxes imposed on gaming facility (May 28, 2015)
The tax assessor in Escambia County claims the tribe owes $22.3 million at the Wind Casino
and Hotel in Atmore, Alabama.
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Tohono O'odham Nation chooses new leader amid casino conflict (May 28, 2015)
Ed Manuel, a former chairman, ousted Ned Norris Jr., who pushed hard for the controversial casino during his two terms in office.
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