Jonodev O. Chaudhuri, the chairman of the National Indian Gaming Commission. Photo by Andrew Bahl for Indianz.Com
The National Indian Gaming Commission has a new website. The agency that oversees the $28.5 billion tribal casino industry officially unveiled the redesign today. Chairman Jonodev O. Chaudhuri said the changes will make the site easier for people to use. “Delivering on our commitment to harness technology in how we do business, the new website utilizes the latest in website technology and design,” Chaudhuri said in a press release from Las Vegas, Nevada, where he is attending the Global Gaming Expo. “The site includes an electronic subscription news service, streaming video, electronic financial submissions and an interactive casino directory that I think our tribal regulatory partners will appreciate.” Many of the old links from the website will no longer work so users might have to update their bookmarks. The URL for the NIGC's Indian land opinions, for example, is now nigc.gov/general-counsel/indian-lands-opinions.

A screenshot of the new National Indian Gaming Commission website.
NIGC's final decisions are now located at nigc.gov/commission/commission-final-decisions and enforcement actions can be found at nigc.gov/commission/enforcement-actions. “It’s more than a redesign or slapping on new paint,” said director of public affairs Michael Odle. “We looked at how users entered the old website, where users spent their time and the related pages they visited. Based on the data, the site was then developed to provide users a better online experience.” One of the biggest new features is a map of tribal gaming facilities. The casinos are color-coded by region although some pins point to the wrong place -- one Navajo Nation casino, for example, has been relocated to southern New Mexico, while a facility owned by the San Carlos Apache Tribe appears in Arkansas instead of Arizona. In addition to operating a website, NIGC maintains a presence on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube.
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