Chairman Bill Iyall, seated in blue shirt, signs agreement with Columbia Pacific Building and Construction Trades Council. . Photo from Cowlitz Tribe
The Cowlitz Tribe of Washington hopes to break ground on its long-delayed casino later this year. The tribe announced the $510 million Cowlitz Casino and Entertainment Resort shortly after gaining federal recognition in 2000. Litigation from opponents -- including a tribe in Oregon with a gaming facility -- has tied up the project for years. But now that the Bureau of Indian Affairs placed 152 acres in trust on March 9, the tribe is ready to move forward. A newly-signed deal will put labor unions to work on the casino. “We are pleased and excited that our Casino and Entertainment Resort will be built with the best labor and resources that the region offers.” Chairman Bill Iyall said in a press release. “The signing of this agreement also reaffirms our commitment to the community that this project will be using the best trained local workers who will build a safe, well-constructed and dynamic destination which will provide benefit to the entire region.”

Artist's rendering of the proposed Cowlitz Casino and Entertainment Resort. Image from Cowlitz Indian Tribe Environmental Impact Statement
The Mohegan Tribe of Connecticut is helping with pre-development and planning costs for the project. The BIA's land-into-trust decision "paves the way for the rapid development of the planned casino resort," Mohegan Tribal Gaming Authority CEO Mitchell Grossinger Etess said in a press release today. In December, a federal judge backed the BIA's legal basis for acquiring the land for the Cowlitz Tribe. Opponents are taking the case to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals. The main issue is the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Carcieri v. Salazar. In that case, the justices said the BIA can only place land in trust for tribes that were "under federal jurisdiction" as of 1934. Get the Story:
Cowlitz: Casino construction may start by end of year (The Columbian 4/28)
Cowlitz Indian Tribe signs casino labor pact with construction unions (The Longview Daily News 4/28) DOI Solicitor Opinion:
M-37029: The Meaning of "Under Federal Jurisdiction" for Purposes of the Indian Reorganization Act (March 12, 2014)
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