A view of the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel in Tampa, Florida. Photo from Facebook
Lawmakers in the Florida Senate will consider a one-year extension of a Class III gaming compact with the Seminole Tribe. Key provisions of the existing deal expire on July 31 so the tribe has been pushing for a longer agreement. But Gov. Rick Scott (R) has refused to return to the table, citing reluctance among lawmakers. The legislative session is scheduled to end on May 1 so lawmakers would need to act quickly. The tribe has been mounting a public relations campaign to renew the compact, an effort that has prompted newspapers across the state to call on Scott to make a deal. The activity leaves out the Poarch Band of Creek Indians in Alabama, whose leaders want to open a casino in Florida. Scott has refused to negotiate even though the tribe has trust land in the state. Get the Story:
Senate isn't gambling on Seminole deal (The News Service of Florida 4/6)
Florida Senate Considers Gambling Deal With Seminoles, Leaving Out Poarch Creeks (NorthEscambia.Com 4/6)
Senate bill pushes one-year extension on Seminole Tribe gambling compact (The Tampa Bay Times 4/3)
Senate to Eye Extension Of Gambling Compact (AP 4/3) Some Opinions:
Seminoles have been good gambling partners (The South Florida Sun-Sentinel 4/5)
Editorial: Gambling at a crossroads, time to decide (The South Florida Sun-Sentinel 4/5)
Scott, lawmakers should renew the Seminole pact (The Orlando Sentinel 4/5)
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