The Arizona Indian Gaming Association marked a milestone in the summer of 2014 -- hitting the $1 billion in shared revenues with the state. Photo from Facebook
Tribes in Arizona have shared more than $1 billion in gaming revenues with the state since 2004. Joan M. Davis of The Parker Pioneer has more on the state's Indian gaming industry:
Gaming in Arizona is governed by the Arizona Tribal-State Gaming Compacts between the State and 21 Arizona Tribes. With the passage of Proposition 202, gaming tribes in Arizona volunteered to share a portion of shared gaming revenues with the state of Arizona and local governments to support specific state and local programs. Twelve percent of a tribe’s total annual contribution is distributed by the tribe to the cities, towns and counties of the tribe's choosing. The money is for government services that benefit the general public, including public safety, mitigation of impacts of gaming, and promotion of commerce and economic development. Any monies comprising the 12 percent not so distributed by an Indian tribe are deposited in the commerce and economic development commission local communities fund established by Arizona Revised Statutes Section 41-1505.12 for grants to cities, towns and counties. Under the Arizona Tribal-State Gaming Compact, Tribes that operate casinos contribute one to eight percent of their Class III Net Win to education, healthcare and other programs that benefit Arizona residents. Class III Net Win is the difference between gaming wins and losses before deducting casino-operating costs. Contributions are determined on a sliding scale based on the amount of the Tribe's year-to-date Class III Net Win.Get the Story:
Q & A: Arizona Indian Gaming (The Parker Pioneer 3/31)
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